We have what you Need

Full color brochures are a great way to reach out to current and potential customers for your business. Whether you choose to market your sales, parts, service or detail departments this preferred service is tried and true and will do the trick! We provide a full service solution from designing, printing to delivery. We offer a wide array of mailing lists with many demographic options, or we can use your in house customer lists. Either way this is a VITAL program designed to drive traffic to your dealership! See your Gold Touch Rep for details!

Brochure sizes: 8.5" x 11", 8.5" x 14", 11" x 17" AND 11" x 25.5"

Give the look of a personal letter to potential customers. Use our high quality 24# bonded paper and envelopes to deliver a specific message to your current/ potential customers. These have a high success rate of being opened, as they look like they are important!